Another tribute to Moebius…
Olivier Delcroix pays tribute to Moebius in his blog. Recalling his links to the artist, Olivier also harks back to a drawing of the Little Prince by Jean Giraud:
« When I was working for Le Figaro Littéraire, I asked him to design a front page to mark the Little Prince’s 60th anniversary. As always, Moebius came up with something absolutely magnificent.
Moebius had this to say about Saint-Exupéry’s drawings: “Saint-Exupéry was a natural, with no training. And yet he always had this psychological accuracy. His drawing does not belong to any dogmatic artistic repertoire. He hasn’t locked himself into any painstakingly acquired academic corset. His work is an unfiltered outpouring, all lightness and simplicity. That’s why he is and remains timeless.” The same could be said of Moebius’ own drawings today.”