On 15 and 16 January 2010, the two exhibitions on the exploits of aviators Saint-Exupéry and Guillaumet during the heyday of l’Aéropostale were very well received. The Cédéthèque de la Gaubretière is currently home to the exhibition that tells the story of Saint-Exupéry and his mechanic crash-landing in the Egyptian desert. Printed on linen (the same type of fabric as was once stretched over the aircraft frame of the Simoun, Saint-Exupéry’s aircraft), the exhibition retraces, day by day, the events – the long trek under a scorching sun, the thirst, the encounter with their rescuer |
that make up the central chapter of the book “Wind, Sand and Stars”. Photographs of Madame Racaud, whose family played host to Saint-Exupéry and Prévost when she was just six months old, mark a happy ending to the adventure. The photos show a smiling Saint-Exupéry, delighted at meeting his hosts. |
The Cédéthèque de Montaigu devotes its exhibition area to l’Aéropostale’s South American lines, Guillaumet’s crash-landing in the Andes and his five-day hike through the most inhospitable conditions (storms, impassable mountains and all) that tested body and spirit to their limits. |
Two splendid exhibitions celebrating courage and determination that offer an opportunity to get to know Saint-Exupéry and his lifelong friend Guillaumet a little better. The “Wind, Sand and Stars” exhibition runs until 7 April 2010. |
Cédéthèque de Montaigu – 19, avenue Villebois Mareuil 85600 Montaigu – Tel: 02 51 06 43 43
Cédéthèque de La Gaubretière – Château de Landebaudière – BP 15 – 85130 La Gaubretière – Tel: 02 51 57 49 00