At the heart of the work of the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Youth Foundation
Too many children in the modern world are growing up in difficult and even hostile conditions, facing major obstacles in their path to becoming adults. In this changing world, the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Youth Foundation has made it its mission to help these young people gain access to education and culture by supporting projects in France and abroad.
This year, from 4 to 30 November 2011, through the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry exhibition staged in conjunction with the town council of Issy les Moulineaux at the Espace Icare, the Foundation will be supporting voluntary groups like Regards en France – Centre de Ressources Théâtre Handicap, making the exhibition accessible to disabled persons, and Percevoir, organising two Braille readings to be held in the dark.
The Foundation also supports the Académie Christophe Tiozzo in Toulouse and Dessine-moi un mouton, both of which offer personal tutoring and training for young people.
The work of the Foundation does not stop at the borders of France, however: far from it. The Foundation also supports local groups providing access to education for young people in Burkina Faso, Honduras, Brazil, Colombia and Cambodia.
For more information about the work of the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Youth Foundation, visit the official website.