After the initial triumphal release in France and several translations around the world, Joann Sfar’s adaptation of The Little Prince is now out in folio. The 2008 edition of Joann Sfar’s graphic novel was a hardback version, made for the shelter of a library shelf, but this new format is ideal for carrying around wherever you go.…continue reading →
Special offer on litographs !
The ever-popular Little Prince lithographs are now on special offer in the online store!…continue reading →
The planet of the Amicopes
When the Little Prince arrives on the planet, he finds the streets in the grip of a reign of terror. No sooner does one of the inhabitants begin to speak in public than patrols of flying ears emerge to listen to whatever is said and report it to the disturbing figure of Sahara.…continue reading →
A new stage version of the Little Prince
After Richard Cocciante’s show, the Little Prince returns to the stage for a new musical adventure. Rehearsals are currently under way at the Lyric Theatre in Belfast (Northern Ireland). The music and lyrics are the work of Nick Lloyd Webber (member of the UK’s famous Lloyd Webber musical dynasty) and James Reid.…continue reading →
Issy-les-Moulineaux: children meet the Little Prince
As a worthy way of marking the fifteenth anniversary of the Rights of the Child, the town of Issy-les-Moulineaux on the outskirts of Paris has dedicated the month of November to a celebration of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and his Little Prince. …continue reading →
Quotations for the Foundation
The Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Youth Foundation is involved in many projects around the world to aid young people in difficulty. If you would like to help the Foundation and spoil yourself a little at the same time, the Little Prince online store has the answer…continue reading →
Roses for a cause…
In 2008, with the agreement of the Saint-Exupéry estate, the Pépinières et Roseraies Georges Delbard nursery created the Rose du Petit Prince, given its official naming at a ceremony on 6 June 2008.…continue reading →
Successful launch for the series in Spain
In Spanish, the Little Prince is El Principito. Following on from France and Germany, the Little Prince TV series launched in Spain on Sunday 16 October, when Spain’s little princes and princesses met the Little Prince on the Planet of Time.…continue reading →
A meeting with Alban Cerisier
Many of the friends of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry were invited to the launch of the project of a home for the Little Prince at the chateau of Saint-Maurice de Rémens. We took advantage of the occasion to record several interviews, to talk about the plans for the chateau but also, and especially, about Antoine.…continue reading →
Meet the Globus!
Sunsets are not the only times the Little Prince loves. Once night has fallen, he enjoys gazing at the starry sky and listening to the sounds of the night. But when he closes his eyes, all kinds of strange creatures appear!…continue reading →