The Little Prince in Quebec

Quebec celebrates  the 70th anniversary of the publication of The Little Prince . Discover the cultural events to come, here .

Capture LPP planète Québec

April 6 , 1943, in the United States : the original edition of The Little Prince is released simultaneously in English and French . From the outset , a joint publication between American publishers Reynal & Hitchcock and Beauchemin in Montreal is printed for Quebec. Antoine de Saint- Exupery is already well known overseas thanks to the success of Vol de Nuit and Terre des Hommes . Invited to Montreal in late April 1942 by the Quebec publisher Bernard Valiquette, the author presents his new book Pilote de Guerre , published in February in New York.

April 30 , 1942, a conference is scheduled at the Auditorium du Plateau, Lafontaine Park, where the author recounts his memories of war and defends against controversies and quarrels , what appears to be the most valuable asset: France’s need of unity against Nazi occupation. On the same day , using the words of the speaker , Le Devoir titles « Avoid the French quarrel among themselves » while La Presse quotes : « The Nazi seeks to erase France ». Another conference was held at the Palais Montcalm in Quebec City, May 4 , in front of over 1,400 people .

So he planned to stay for two days on site , Saint- Exupéry is threatened to wait six months to regularize his visa. His wife Consuelo joined him at the Windsor Hotel , where he stayed five weeks , interspersed with trips in the Quebec province in the Iroquois Kahnawake reserve where it is called « the prince of birds flying high  » in Saint- Hippolyte Saint Theodore of Chertsey , Lanaudière . Weakened by health concerns, however, Saint- Exupéry took advantage of his reputation as a writer and pilot to meet many Quebec personalities and discover the charm of some known restaurants as « Le Lutin qui bouffe » and « Café Martin » . Back in New York in June 1942, he began to write The Little Prince and the Letter to a hostage to be released in March 1943 in America under the title Letter to a Friend [ Léon Werth ] , the dedicatee of little Prince .

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To creates bonds…


« What does that mean–‘tame’? »

« It is an act too often neglected, » said the fox. It means to create bonds …


Create bonds is the name of a website created by Delphine Lacroix (who created exhibitions about the drawings of Antoine de Saint Exupéry and his many jobs). Its mission is to promote educational and multidisciplinary exchanges around the Little Prince and its author. A rewarding way to express the thought of Saint-Exupéry and the message of The Little Prince. All cultures, all languages ​​are welcome on this site. The project is intended for teachers and their students, associations, and anyone interested in.

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Little Prince, the site offers to share creations through a competition. To echo the values ​​of humanism, fraternity and tolerance cherished by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and to encourage creation from the youth. The site provides literary and educational resources, and tend to gain new proposals of ressources. This contest is open to all groups, teachers and students, associations dealing with youth, and individuals.

A prize will be awarded on December 15, 2013, which is the birthday of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, by a jury of members of the Circle of readers Antoine de Saint-Exupery (Clase)

More information on:

creer des liens

Find all the information about the 70th anniversary in Québec on this site too.


The Little Prince in the Minimax Magazine

Minimax is a Hungarian channel which broadcast the Little Prince animated series,  and publishes its own magazine. For the month of September, the magazine intends to follow the Little Prince on his travels from planet to planet.

Many games, Comic strips, puzzles will delight the young readers.




New book for Leya

The Brazilian publisher Leya published the first special edition of the adventures of the Little Prince: Um duplo golpe para a Serpente.

On the planet of the Bamalias, the Little Prince is going through the worst events: deprived of his memories, he no longer knows who he is … Without memory, can he defeat the Snake? Without powers,  will he save the planet of his friends Kimi andTiksi? The Snake has never been so close to win!

An exciting novel that roots the new adventures of the Little Prince in the work of Saint-Exupéry, revealing the origins of his incredible fight against the Snake through the planets!




Fan Art Friday ! #03

It’s Friday !

Here is a new Fan Art Friday, a compilation of images created by fans to pay tribute to the Little Prince. Feel free to participate by sending your work on the Facebook page The Little Prince Official #fanartfriday.

First, let’s see the illustrations :

Yaxin the Faun

The Little Prince by Yaxin The faun


The Little Prince by Berkozturk


The desert by ~Muesliriegel

Photography is no exception:

Adeline Chaddek

The plane by Adeline Chaddek

robert crum

The plane by Robert Crum

Thanks for participating !

Chedar Dedos

The Little Prince by Chedar Dedos

Meg Ruiz-fan art friday

The Little Prince by Meg Ruiz

Chris Georgalas _B612 _ fanartfriday

B612 by Chris Georgalas

Lina Costa Lopes
Lina Costa Lopes

Lalka Crochetka

Lalka Crochetka

Şeyma Yıldız

Şeyma Yıldız

Andrés Quijano

Andrés Quijano

Atom Junhasiri

Atom Junhasiri

Mayli Pozo

Mayli Pozo

Oriana Kanishka

Oriana Kanishka

The Little Prince in Montréal for the « Escales Improbables »

Tuesday, September 3, the Little Prince visited the Vieux-Port of Montreal, for the Montreal « Escales Improbables ».

This is where a collaborative mural fresco is set. The children will be invited to draw with chalk their own planet on it, amongst the Little Prince constellation.

The event, entitled « Draw your planet » has opened at 17:30. The mural will move into different parts of the city during the autumn. It will include the Museum of Fine Arts during the Days of Culture, as well as Musee Grevin Montreal. It will then be offered at the CHU Sainte-Justine.

The event « Draw your planet » is co-organized by Gallimard and Succession Saint-Exupéry d’Agay, with the support of many partners :  EIM – Consulat général de France à Québec – Air France – MBA Mtl – Télé-Québec – BAnQ – Grévin Montréal – Trudeau Corporation – Fondation et CHU Sainte-Justine – Excentris –  JackWorld Inc.

Other activities are also planned for the fall, including a contest in schools and a public reading at the Grande Bibliothèque.

For more details, see:


Here is the mural during the opening of the 70th anniversary of the Little Prince in Québec.

Pictures by Geneviève Brindle.






The Little Prince on BBC4


The Little Prince was on BBC4 at 4PM yesterday !

You can listen the podcast here :


Mike Greenwood unlocks the secrets of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s classic novella, 70 years after it was first published.

Barely 100 pages long, The Little Prince is one of the most read books in the world. Like the little prince himself, his creator Antoine de Saint Exupéry has become an enigma. An aristocrat and an aviator, he wrote The Little Prince in exile in America, when the world was at war and France was under Nazi occupation. Barely two years later he was dead – having failed to return from a reconnaissance mission over his homeland. His body was never found.

But the fable-like book he left behind continues to captivate generations of readers, from the child to the adult. Why?

« It is only with one’s heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye. » Is it a simple children’s story engaging with simple truths about love, experience and loss? A manifesto for humanist values in time of strife? Or a manual for living on our fragile planet?

Mike Greenwood journeys to Paris to unravel the origins, meaning and enduring appeal of Le Petit Prince. He meets Saint-Exupery’s nephew, Francois d’Agay, now 87, who remembers visits from Uncle Antoine in the 1930s, and Mike enters the inner circle of ‘Saint-Exupérians’ who have made it their life’s work to interpret the symbols, biographical parallels and true message of the book.

The novelist Tracey Chevalier and children’s author Michael Rosen also share their personal insights into the French classic, which is featured in a series of evocative readings.

Presenter: Mike Greenwood
Producer: Eve Streeter


The lamplighter

It may be well that this man is absurd. But he is not so absurd as the king, the conceited man, the businessman, and the tippler. For at least his work has some meaning. When he lights his street lamp, it is as if he brought one more star to life, or one flower. When he puts out his lamp, he sends the flower, or the star, to sleep. That is a beautiful occupation. And since it is beautiful, it is truly useful.

