The Little Prince and the railway switchman

« Good morning, » said the little prince.

« Good morning, » said the railway switchman.

« What do you do here? » the little prince asked.

« I sort out travelers, in bundles of a thousand, » said the switchman. « I send off the trains that carry them: now to the right, now to the left. »

And a brilliantly lighted express train shook the switchman’s cabin as it rushed by with a roar like thunder.

« They are in a great hurry, » said the little prince. « What are they looking for? »

« Not even the locomotive engineer knows that, » said the switchman.

And a second brilliantly lighted express thundered by, in the opposite direction.

« Are they coming back already? » demanded the little prince.

« These are not the same ones, » said the switchman. « It is an exchange. »

« Were they not satisfied where they were? » asked the little prince.

« No one is ever satisfied where he is, » said the switchman.

And they heard the roaring thunder of a third brilliantly lighted express.

« Are they pursuing the first travelers? » demanded the little prince.

« They are pursuing nothing at all, » said the switchman. « They are asleep in there, or if they are not asleep they are yawning. Only the children are flattening their noses against the windowpanes. »

« Only the children know what they are looking for, » said the little prince. « They waste their time over a rag doll and it becomes very important to them; and if anybody takes it away from them, they cry . . . »

« They are lucky, » the switchman said.

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The Little Prince’s little games !

Did you know the Little Prince’s games ?

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You can play this 7 games with the Little Prince’s characters, in a sleek design and rich staging. Beware, these little games are very addictive !

You can learn more about the Little Prince’story thanks to an animation, and then test your knowledge with a quizz !

Go to the official Little Prince website to play with your favorite characters this summer !


The Little Prince at the Morgan Library

70 300pxThe Little Prince turns 70 !

Back on the creation of this masterpiece, translated into over 270 languages ​​and dialects and read by over 400 million people.

In 1940, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry moved into an apartment in Manhattan. It took him over two years to develop this story.
This book is considered as classic French work, but it was actually born here in New York, while Saint-Exupéry was staying here. He lived on Central Park South. He also rented a house in Long Island (Northport) for the summer 1942 , says Christine Nelson, curator of historical and literary manuscripts at the Morgan Library & Museum.

The novel was published in New Yorkin 1943 in both French and English, and it arrived in France in 1946.

The original manuscript and watercolor illustrations are here in New York, in the collection of the Morgan Library. This is one of our greatest treasures. In these 300 pages and 35 watercolors, the author refers to Manhattan’s Rockefeller Center, which was replaced in the book for an island in the Pacific.

Christine Nelson added:
In another work, Antoine de Saint-Exupery said : If we build a big building in Manhattan, like the Rockefeller Center, and keep us all very close there, we would have all humanity in a building in Manhattan . And in the manuscript of The Little Prince, we have all these explicit references to the birthplace of the book.

The celebration of the seventieth anniversary of the publication of The Little Prince will last until next year, and will end in style with an exhibition dedicated to the Little Prince organized by the Morgan Library, from January to April 2014.


The Little Prince all over the world !

To end our Little Prince world tour, let’s go to Brazil.

In South America, the Little Prince is, at first, a TV hit.


In Brazil, Discovery Kids airs the Little Prince on Fridays and Sundays. At these times, the channel reaches audience records! The Little Prince is a popular hero. Many books and boxes have been produced.


The Publisher LEYA released the first 6 books, similar to the French collections. The series is still in progress : more books are to be published. In order to guarantee the access to these books to anyone, the publisher has created a partnership with the public institutions. Curiosity, generosity, this project embodies all the Little Prince’s values !

In Brazil, the first 2 DVDs have been released. The Planet of Time and Planet of Firebird one, is out since February 20th. The second one (Planet of Music and Planet of Wind) is available since July 3rd.

Many events take place to present the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry masterpiece to the audience, for the year of France in Brazil. Until today there were over 300 000 visitors in several cities of Brazil !

At Porto Alegre the show gathered 105 000 visitors in 45 days ! Later on, 102 000 visitors went to the event organized at Campinas . Many more shows to come!

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See you soon for new adventures all around the world !

The Little Prince all over the world !

Let’s keep on our worldwide tour, now in Germany!



The universe from the masterpiece is developed in many ways. ARS, for instance, created many products inspired by the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

ars catalogue

The Puzzle book, by XXL, has sold more than 500.000 copies in Germany only !


The Little Prince series is alternatively broadcasted on two channels: WDR and KIKA (a channel dedicated to youth). The episodes air on a very regular basis, so the German children are familiar with our hero, and like to watch his adventures.




By the way, the German children participated a lot in the international drawing contest. The broadcasters received approximatively 2000 drawings! Many German winners will be in the new season’s credits!

Creativity as a way of life: the books from the Little Prince’s series are really unique! Puzzle-books, mini-books, coloring books with phosphorescent stickers, the Little Prince inspires stunning and funny products!



The music from the show is really important too. In Germany, you can find CD of the original soundtrack.

Have you seen the German opening video?

See you tomorrow, for the last stopover of our Little Prince dedicated tour!



The Little Prince all over the world

Back from Korea, toward Greece!

In Greece, you can find the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry masterpiece in ancient and modern Greek.


ERT is the Greek channel broadcasting the Little Prince series.


The channel took part in the international drawing contest. With great success ! Two drawings have been selected and will appear in the new season of the Little Prince’s adventures.



If you want to read the Little Prince’s adventures in Greek, the publisher Grammata is releasing the Little Prince comics. You can find the first 6 volumes.

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And, as you know, the DVD are now available !


Lastly, if you want to wander in the Little Prince’s universe, come visit the 4D ride at the Eugenides fundation park, in Athens !

Congratulations for this wonderful trip, Little Prince!

The Little Prince all over the world!

The Little Prince is a masterpiece with an universal significance, and everybody reads it with a different perspective. How is the Little Prince perceived in Korea, Greece, Germany or Brazil ? In these countries, what forms can he take ?

Let’s start this world tour with Korea !


In Korea, the Little Prince’s series is aired on TV on a regular basis, gathering an average 15% of the 5 to 12 years old children.


The books and comics from the Little Prince series are also quite popular.These books are slightly stiffer than the other. They often come with stickers or promotional objects. About 20 books and 5 comics are available in Korean.



In Korea, the Little Prince has an exhibition, traveling into the whole country, meeting people in the big cities. The exhibition started in June.

There is also a contest, organized by the publisher Petit Samtoh and the newspaper Children’s Dong A (daily printrun : 400 000 copies). The students from the elementary schools were asked to send a short story about the Little Prince’s adventures. At the end of the contest, the winners will be given gold, silver or bronze medal. The contest’s promotion in the newspaper, the publisher’s catalog, on the web and in many booklets makes the Little Prince easily visible in Korea.




The Little Prince travels…

This summer, brings the Little Prince to the beach!


Sac Cabas Collector Bio Equitable Le Petit Prince 70 ansDimensions

Width : 40 cm

Height : 40 cm

Handles ends : 30 cm

Price : 9.90€

This organic cotton bag, certified max Havelaar, were created for the Little Prince’s 70th anniversary, in limited edition. Only 100 copies are available, on the Little Prince  online store.

Hurry up to grab one!



From the drawings to the animated planets !

The international drawing contest winners have been revealed, now let’s see the drawings !

Which new planets will be in B612 sky in this new season of the Little Prince’s adventures ?

Here are some winning drawings, and their translation into animated 3D planet!

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These children’s drawing have been given the Method Animation Studios designers, so they turn them into objects that can be modelized. The aim is to make the drawing clearer, to choose the objects that will move, to give information about lightning and textures.

Here are the first working documents, that will be used to create the 3D planets.

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Planète Crayon_600


To see this new planets, watch the new season of the Little Prince’s adventures!

The Little Prince on ice !

Figure skating with the Little Prince !

The masterpiece by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has been chosen as olympic program by the French team, to the Sotchi Games in February 2014.

« It had to be something poetic, like our circus projects, the Four Seasons and Chaplin, which were great success » explains Fabian Bourzat, part of the French team.
 Besides the couple wanted to express its usual theme : relationships between men and women. So they choose to be the Little Prince and his Rose ! Their coach, Julien Cottereau, helped them in this work. First, they had to improve their musical culture. « We searched ideas on our own, and we met on week-ends to compare them. We tried, we gave up…« 

Then, Julien Cottereau made them write a 10 pages storyboard, to define the behaviours between the Little Prince and the Rose. Everything is written, even the glances they cast at each other, to develop the story, the expressions. « The Little Prince is not a mere children story. We feel this tale reflects our feelings : we are the oldest of the circuit. Even if we play childish, funny or poetic moves, we never forget the relationship between the Little Prince and the Rose. 

The olympic couple has understood : what is essential is invisible to the eye !