The Little Prince in sanskrit

The Little Prince has been translated in sanskrit!


The Masterpiece by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is now available in sanskrit. This historical Indo-Aryan language, the primary liturgical language of Hinduism and a literary and scholarly language, is the basis of the languages spoken in Europe today. This is one of the official languages in India.

This new version has an incredible story behind it.

Gopabandhu Mishra,University professor, teaching sanskrit at La Sorbonne in Paris, has encountered the Little Prince in an emotional and spiritual way. He has decided to translate it. « I know the book has been translated in more than 250 languages in the world, including several Indian languages, as Odi, Bangla, Hindi, etc. So why not sanskrit ? »

You can order the book by emailing SAMSKRITA BHARATI (



The Little Prince’s DVDs all over the world!

Did you know that the Little Prince’s DVDs were released all over the world ?

Discover the first two DVDs !


On the first one, you will see the episodes : Planet of Time and Planet of Firebird.

On the second one, watch the episodes Planet of Wind and Planet of Music.


Available in : Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Netherland, Portugal, Brazil, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Russia, Australia,  Western Europe, South America…

The Little Prince in Taïwan!

You have already seen this video for the Little Prince’s products in Taiwan.

Find today the pictures of the ad campaign!


The CITY CAFE shops are decorated with the Little Prince’s designs.


The hero from the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s novel is everywhere in the city, and in every events !


We have now evidence that if the Little Prince is popular all over the world,  it’s because the novel is an universal masterpiece.

Congratulations, Little Prince !

New app : The Little Prince’s agenda

 Don’t forget your events and appointements with the help of the Little Prince!

This new agenda will ease your everyday life with pictures and quotes from the masterpiece by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

This agenda is compatible with iPhone / iPad. It automatically syncs with your preinstalled (eg iCal, Google Calendar, etc..) Calendar. So you will no longer miss any event!

IPad users will receive every day a new inspirational quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupery. As for iPhone users, they will find quotes by pressing the MENU button.


On iPhone :

Capture d’écran iPhone 1Capture d’écran iPhone 2


On iPad :


Capture d’écran iPad 1Capture d’écran iPad 2

Enjoy the introductory price of € 0.89:

Discover this new app : The Little Prince’s agenda!


Draw me a planet : the winning drawings !


winning drawings

A few months ago, we were receiving thousands of children’s drawings from all over the world, thanks to the Draw me a planet contest.

Today, the contest is over: the 60 winning drawings have been selected!

Discover the winning drawings!

This 60 drawings will appear in the Season 3 of the Little Prince’s series. Half of it will be shaped like a planet, flying away in B612’s sky. The other half will be integrated in the stellar map of the Little Prince’s clues.

Many thanks to all the children who participated!


Opal and the Little Prince

The h+h Trade Fair took place in Cologne, Germany from 21st to 23rd March 2013. It was the perfect place to announce the release of a wool collection that will be available in the summer of 2013 in trade.This products, made by the company Tutto Wolfgang Zwerger, will be available in : Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, The Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Sweden, UK, Japan, Denmark, Norway, Canada, Russia and South Korea.
The collection « Opal and The Little Prince » gathers 8 designs that were inspired by the colors from the world of the Little Prince, and based on specific stages of his journey. 
Perfect for this little magic in our everyday life…




But the highlight of the show was the Little Prince’s asteroid !

Messe h+h Cologne 2013 019

Messe h+h Cologne 2013 022


Aloha, Little Prince

lpp hawaii

The masterpiece by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry is now available in hawaiian

The Little Prince, as a true publishing phenomenon, has already been translated in 270 languages.  There are more than 1300 versions and 145 million copies sold.

We wish him good continuation in Hawaii !


The Little Prince arrives in China!

-little prince 3b

The Little Prince’s comics (published in France by Glénat) is coming to China !

Shanghai Xiron Media is publishing this wonderful comics behind the Great Wall of China. Already 9 books available in Mandarin Chinese language for the 1.5 billion inhabitants!

The Little Prince in Taiwan


Discover today the brand new Little Prince ad from Taiwan where you can meet him in every CITY CAFE around there :