The Little Prince by Cummins and Scoullar

The Little Prince by Cummins and Scoullar

It is often on stage that the full poetry of The Little Prince is most palpable. Directors and actors invite their audience to travel from planet to planet and into the Sahara. Among the many iconic stage versions, one we have not so far mentioned is the adaptation by Rick Cummins and John Scoullar. What is unusual about this show is that the only role played by an actor is that of the aviator. The Little Prince and all the other characters are played by puppets – a direct tribute to the world of children’s toys. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, who loved to entertain children, would undoubtedly have been very proud of this adaptation of his book.

The show is currently playing at the New Victory Theatre (New York) until 16 October 2011. An after-show debate will be held on 9 October.

Find out more by watching these delightful excerpts and visiting the New Victory Theatre website.

The online store takes on the colours of the series

The online store takes on the colours of the series

Children used to play at cops and robbers or cowboys and Indians. Now, in 2011, they can play at being the Little Prince. After the figurines based on the Planet of Time, here is a new range of toys and articles based on the Little Prince series.

The fox is the Little Prince’s constant companion, and a symbol in his own right: a symbol of friendship. Our little princes and princesses can now carry their own cuddly toy fox with them on their adventures.

Thanks to the series, the Little Prince has become the hero of new adventures. Now children can actually dress up as the Little Prince and brandish the famous sword he uses to bring wonderful characters to life.

And once the adventures are over for the day, they can put away their toys in a superb toy-chest in their hero’s colours and sit comfortably in the magnificent Little Prince wooden armchair as they read Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s book.

See more articles in the Little Prince online store.

The Little Prince as seen by Bengal

The Little Prince as seen by Bengal

Bengal is a comic book artist born in 1976. His latest project is a new series entitled Luminae, a comic album with a magical theme. His distinctive style is also to be found in Les Chroniques de Sillage, Naja or Meka.…continue reading →

Nikolaus Schapfl is back at work!

Nikolaus Schapfl is back at work!

Reminder: Nikolaus Schapfl was six years old when he was given his very first copy of The Little Prince by his uncle. While not as yet understanding the full complexity of the book, he soon fell under the spell of the rose. He came back to the text ten years later, when he began learning French. …continue reading →