A friend of The rose…

A friend of The rose…

But the Little Prince could not restrain his admiration and exclaimed:

– “Oh, how beautiful you are!”
– “Am I not?” the flower replied gently. “And I was born at the same time as the sun…”
The Little Prince had to admit that she was not excessively modest but she was so enchanting!
– “I believe it’s time for breakfast,” she added a moment later, “would you be kind enough to attend to my needs…” …continue reading →

Gallimard celebrates its centenary!

Gallimard celebrates its centenary!

Everyone in France is familiar with the ivory cover and its edging of fine black and double red lines, marked with the initials NRF (Nouvelle Revue Française). The Blanche collection first saw the light of day in 1911,…continue reading →

News from Japan…

News from Japan…

Friends of the Little Prince, we have received a letter from a friend in Japan. His name is Hiroshi Mino, and he has translated The Little Prince into Japanese and written a number of books on the meaning of the story. In response to…continue reading →

Have you visited our store?

Have you visited our store?

The Little Prince store is well known to collectors the world over, and always with something new to offer. Fine stationery, watches, figurines, books and graphic novels, jewellery, baby items… the online store is an Ali Baba’s cave all of its own.…continue reading →

The Little Prince : the movie

The Little Prince : the movie

A must for any fan of the Little Prince, the screen adaptation by Stanley Donen is something for all the family to enjoy. Donen directed Singing in the Rain, a film with a world-famous…continue reading →

Marylène, enthusiast and lecturer

Marylène, enthusiast and lecturer

Her meeting with Saint-Exupéry came at a very painful period in her life. From that meeting, however, was born a new outlook on both herself and on life. Rather than keeping what she had learned to herself, however…continue reading →

Seen on Internet: a Little Prince cosplay

Seen on Internet: a Little Prince cosplay

Have you heard about cosplay? It’s the latest craze, spawned in Japan and now spreading worldwide. The principle is simple: the cosplayer makes a costume in the style of his or her favourite hero (often drawn from a comic strip or video game) to wear at cosplayer conventions and special events. Trawling the Web, we came across pictures of Asian cosplayers decked out as…continue reading →