After adapting The Little Prince to the screen, the magicians at Method Animation have turned their hands to La Nuit des Enfants Rois, the best-selling French novel by Bernard Lenteric.…continue reading →
9 webisodes already! And now for the secrets of dubbing!
One of the many things offered by the Little Prince website is the opportunity to learn, to make new discoveries. Today we invite you behind the scenes of the Little Prince animated series to see how an episode is dubbed.…continue reading →
The legend of Saint-Exupéry in Brazil
We know that Saint-Exupéry visited Brazil when he was a pilot with l’Aéropostale. While giving a lecture, he apparently said, “I dipped into in the customs of Brazil”. It is also said to have been a baobab that the writer saw in Natal that gave him the inspiration for the Little Prince.…continue reading →
A date with the Rose…
Or rather with the person who lends her voice to the iconic character from The Little Prince: actress Marie Gillain, famous for her successful roles in l’Appât, le Bossu, Ni pour ni contre (bien au contraire) or Coco avant Chanel. Marie Gillain has already voiced the…continue reading →
A visit to the museum
Do you know the Musée des Lettres et Manuscrits on the Boulevard Saint-Germain in Paris? Its collection includes a wealth of correspondence, including some of Marcel Proust’s letters and one from General Eisenhower, dated 1945, in which he announces the ceasefire that ended the Second World War, as well as a large number of manuscripts and even the diary of a survivor from the Titanic.…continue reading →
H2W figurines in video
Recent arrivals in the Little Prince online store… find out more about the collector’s figurines developed by manufacturer H2W, against a background of music and poetry. These figurines are dressed in “real” clothes; the Little Prince’s cloak is made from real felt.…continue reading →
The Toys “R” Us auction returns
Two dolls from a limited-edition series of 250 each were among the lots donated by toy retailing giant Toys “R” Us. The hand-painted dolls, produced by the luxury doll specialist firm of…continue reading →
Be the Little Prince’s friend…
… on Facebook! Join the official group and keep up to date with all the news, and enjoy the webisodes and other videos as soon as they go online.
The Little Prince’s Wall: post a message for the Little Prince and his friends on his Wall.…continue reading →
A great poster for good causes
The Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Foundation, which recently launched its website, has embarked on a number of humanitarian campaigns, details of which you will find here. …continue reading →
Claude Werth talks to us about his father and Saint-Exupéry
This weekend, we are looking back to another of our favourite interviews on the subject of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The story of The Little Prince was dedicated to Léon Werth, art critic, writer and, above all, friend of Saint-Exupéry.…continue reading →