Sweet night baby

At bedtime, immerse your baby in the magical world of The Little Prince with this nightlight projector of musical stars The Little Prince

All The Little Prince‘s lamps and nightlights are on the online shop: www.thelittleprincestore.com

The Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Foundation for Youth is supporting the visually impaired in South Asia

Southeast Asia Journey: ACT III – Hong Kong.
Claude Garrandes, president of Association Arrimage , was in South East Asia to conduct educational workshops for ill-sighted and blinds adults and children, and to accompany the film ‘Invisible Essence The Little Prince’ in his Asian previews. 
The last stage of this asian trip took place in Hong Kong.
After visiting Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired, the main school for ill-sighted and blinds students, we organized three workshop sessions for their students.

Aliènette Coldfire the young blind prodigy singer, made us the pleasure to take part in a workshop session.

We would like to thank the Fondation Antoine de Saint-Exupéry pour la JeunesseIWC Schaffhausen and especially Noletta Chiu, MEDIALINK ANIMATIONAL INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Remy Wong School Principal, Lim Tai Deputy Principal, Céline Lam the Art teacher and all of the school teaching team and especially Y-Jean Mun-Delsalle who volunteered to took care of the logistics of these different missions in Asia for Association Arrimage and the Fondation Antoine de Saint-Exupéry pour la Jeunesse, and took part in the animation and translation of the educational workshops.

Bradley Cooper’s IWC watch sold $60,000 at Sotheby’s

The Watch, a unique model specially created for Bradley Cooper, was auctioned at Sotheby's, and $ 60,000 was raised for the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Foundation for Youth. This money will be used to finance the ARRIMAGE Association and the tactile reading workshops for the blind. 

Find all the news from the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Foundation for Youth on its website: www.fasej.org
Do not forget to like the Facebook page of the Foundation: https://www.facebook.com/fasej.fondation/

Stanley Donen passed at age 94

Stanley Donen, Award winning director of Singing in  the Rain, and Hollywood director to the Little Prince Musical passed at age 94.

The Little Prince Park

New Season on April 6th

L’image contient peut-être : 1 personne, texte

Opening of the Park on April 6th.
Discover what’s new in 2019!

In the heart of Alsace, between Colmar and Mulhouse, the Petit Prince Park is the first interpretation of the work of Antoine de Saint Exupéry by an amusement park.
At once poetic, educational and above all very fun, the 34 attractions and activities in the park attract more families every year. The 200,000 visitor mark was reached in 2018, 2.5 times more than the opening in 2014.

A new thrilling attraction: « Thunder Stone »
On board one of the 5 asteroids, visitors will experience the experience of a
chaotic journey in space. Will they manage not to fall into the hole
black and not hit the huge meteorite?

The renovation of an Alsatian boutique hotel that offers, in partnership
with its neighbor the Ecomusée d’Alsace, a family-oriented tourist destination
without equivalent in Alsace.

The opening of a new animal zone: « Tame us », in which children can easily tame their favorite animal even the most fearful!


Invisible Essence: The Little Prince is available on Netflix

The Little Prince invisible essence is a wonderful documentary by
Charles Officer, investigating The LittlePrince phenomenon.

The director met with several people to understand why The Little Prince is the most read book in the world, including Movie Director Mark Osborne and François D’agay, the author’s nephew.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s transcendent story suggests an ethical philosophy about life and a universal code of respect for humanity. With every new generation that discovers the fable, the Little Prince’s inspiring legacy is cemented.