Fan Art Friday #143

On Fridays, fans of The Little Prince express their talent with Fan Art Friday!

Send us your creations via our facebook page, we’ll publish them here!

Citlali EsparzaVoir le profil

Citlali Esparza

Csárdi-Nagy BeátaVoir le profil

Csárdi-Nagy Beáta

David SanguinettiVoir le profil

David Sanguinetti

Hayri Ipek

Hayri Ipek

Lucia HromadováVoir le profil

Lucia Hromadová

Tania Cabrera

Tania Cabrera

Rosa Paula

Rosa Paula



Fan Art Friday #142

On Fridays, fans of The Little Prince express their talent with Fan Art Friday!

Send us your creations via our facebook page, we’ll publish them here!

Athiwut Beungchaiyaphum‎Athiwut Beungchaiyaphum‎

Aurora Cuevaz‎

Aurora Cuevaz‎

Camp missionnaire, à Shire - Ethiopie, Waddy Negous le petit prince en langue tigreenne hala sakr

Camp missionnaire, à Shire – Ethiopie, Waddy Negous

Dania Morales‎

Dania Morales‎

Elke RooxVoir le profil

Elke Roox

Fines AlcalaVoir le profil

Fines Alcala

Iron loi

Iron loi

Labyrinth LockVoir le profil

Labyrinth Lock

Luis Orozco PérezVoir le profil

Luis Orozco Pérez

Marisol MesaVoir le profil

Marisol Mesa

Milena D'amico

Milena D’amico

Nel Ior‎

Nel Ior‎


The Little Prince Balance Bike

Balance Bike The Little Prince Kokua - Special edition

The Little Prince balance bike by Kokua is the latest model in to the Kokua range . It has already attracted many parents and young cyclists. Its lacquered birch wood structure was designed and manufactured in Germany and ensures high reliability. It will follow the growth of your child thanks to the adjustable seat height (32 to 41 cm from the ground).
This special edition of The Little Prince is distinguished by its blue leathered saddle and its wooden decorated wheels.
This balance bike is suitable for children from 2 years to 5 years, measuring at least 87 cm, with a minimum inseam of 33 cm.

Available on the online store

The TIME explains the events that led to the Little Prince

SEE the article 


With The Little Prince coming to Netflix on Friday, more than 70 years will have passed since TIME, in reviewing the story on which the film is based, called author Antoine de Saint-Exupéry the “most metaphysical of aviators.”

And, though the story of the Little Prince and his voyages among the planets is clearly fiction, Saint-Exupéry’s own experiences as a pilot helped inspire that tale. On the most obvious level, the plane crash that begins the story, through which the narrator meets the title character, mirrors a real mishap that left the author stranded in the Sahara in the mid-1930s, while on his way from Paris to Saigon on an airmail run. As TIME would later describe, “Characteristically, while waiting to be rescued in the desert, he kept himself company with his musings, later spun the incident into his delightful children’s tale, The Little Prince.” He ended up walking many miles in the desert before being rescued by a passing Bedouin.

Read the article

Fan Art Friday #141

On Fridays, fans of The Little Prince express their talent with Fan Art Friday!

Send us your creations via our facebook page, we’ll publish them here!

Andreea CalistruVoir le profil

Andreea Calistru

Charlene H. CordeiroVoir le profil

Charlene H. Cordeiro

Daphne Iris Suarez AbellanosaVoir le profil

Daphne Iris Suarez Abellanosa

Icarus pal

Icarus pal

Ilektra OrkopoulouVoir le profil

Ilektra Orkopoulou

Josep Martín Pastor

Josep Martín Pastor

MariJo LdrVoir le profil

MariJo Ldr

Ömer Yılmaz İnciVoir le profil

Ömer Yılmaz İnci

Paola Tobar MaganVoir le profil

Paola Tobar Magan

Silvia Arrascue OlivaresVoir le profilSilvia Arrascue Olivares