Fan Art Friday #140

On Fridays, fans of The Little Prince express their talent with Fan Art Friday!

Send us your creations via our facebook page, we’ll publish them here!

Brandy McClureVoir le profil

Brandy McClure

Daphne Iris Suarez AbellanosaVoir le profil

Daphne Iris Suarez Abellanosa

Fatharani Yasmin Shaffiyya SaniVoir le profil

Fatharani Yasmin Shaffiyya Sani

Geordanna Bermudez Cordero-Fields

Geordanna Bermudez Cordero-Fields

Jorge GonzálezVoir le profil

Jorge González

Katrina Brimon PocdolacionVoir le profil

Katrina Brimon Pocdolacion

Nayeli RavenVoir le profil

Nayeli Raven

Samira Sadou

Samira Sadou

ThiEvy La MassonneVoir le profil

ThiEvy La Massonne

Wendy Miller

Wendy Miller


Fan Art Friday #139

On Fridays, fans of The Little Prince express their talent with Fan Art Friday!

Send us your creations via our facebook page, we’ll publish them here!


Anita BathoVoir le profil

Anita Batho

Hayri IpekVoir le profil

Hayri Ipek

Jenifer Cristina MeiraVoir le profil

Jenifer Cristina Meira

Juan Pablo Caro

Juan Pablo Caro

Maria Virginia De Luca

Maria Virginia De Luca

Meriel Coronado CovoVoir le profil

Meriel Coronado Covo

Mona RahimianmalekiVoir le profil

Mona Rahimianmaleki

Nancy's - Nancy Woland

Nancy’s – Nancy Woland

Orlando GrVoir le profil

Orlando GrVoir le profil

Rajshree V. YambemVoir le profil

Rajshree V. Yambem

tave BiscarraVoir le profil

tave Biscarra

Temporary tattoos for the summer !

Tatouages éphémères Le Petit Prince

Set of temporary tattoos The Little Prince

Set size : 10 x 10 cm

Contains 1 set



1. Lightly moisten the skin with a wipe or a damp towel
2. Apply immediately the dark side of the tattoo
3. Soak the skin and the tattoo immediately with the same wipe
4. Tap for 20 seconds over the entire surface without offending the tattoo
5. Carefully remove the wet paper from tattoo

Available here

Le Petit Prince store in Paris

Le Petit Prince Paris (by Julia Fortuin)

Image by Julia Fortuin

Without knowing it I have been brought up with quite a few French children’s books, and as an adult I realise that they were some of my very favourites. The Babar series are a classic, and another one is Le Petit Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupéry. I was therefore as happy as a child when I found out there’s actually a fan store entirely dedicated to the world of this book, opened only a few weeks ago.

Actually, the shop relocated from a residential area (on the corner from where I live and I never knew!) to the central area of Saint Germain des Prés, where it is much more likely to be discovered by tourists. Nonetheless, the shop is managed with style and organised by the Fondation d’Antoine de Saint Exupéry that aims to improve children’s lives globally. So the ideas of the famous children’s book are indeed commercialized, but idealism has not completely lost its way.

My favourite item in the shop is without any doubt the fluffy fox. Although marketed for children I would absolutely have bought one if it weren’t for my tiny Parisian apartment. (There is a king size version that you can caress in store, too.)

Obviously you can also buy copies of the famous book, as well as other related and unrelated books. Interesting for adults too are the stationery products, as a little notebook with the little prince in one’s bag adds a glimpse of poetry to one’s daily life, no?

Details about this spot (Show on map)
Le Petit Prince | Shopping | For a fox € 25
8 Rue Grégoire de Tours | +33986467409
11:00 – 19:00 daily

Fan Art Friday #139

On Fridays, fans of The Little Prince express their talent with Fan Art Friday!

Send us your creations via our facebook page, we’ll publish them here!


Abraham VillarrealVoir le profil

Abraham Villarreal

A-c Salvi

A-c Salvi

Adri NuñezVoir le profil

Adri Nuñez

Alynne FerreiraVoir le profil

Alynne Ferreira

Charly SandyVoir le profil

Charly Sandy

Eduardo Viana RodriguesVoir le profil

Eduardo Viana Rodrigues

Eu Méndez AltuzarVoir le profil

Eu Méndez Altuzar

George XsVoir le profil

George Xs

l'association SIMU DI LUMIU

l’association SIMU DI LUMIU

Lollies or Candy‎

Lollies or Candy‎

Miki MatsuoVoir le profil

Miki Matsuo

Nallely Guadalupe Ramirez Magallanes

Nallely Guadalupe Ramirez Magallanes

Ronald MoraVoir le profil

Ronald Mora

Satoko AkitaVoir le profil

Satoko Akita

Setenay KüçükemiroğluVoir le profil

Setenay Küçükemiroğlu

Tereza VokáčováVoir le profil

Tereza Vokáčová

Vanessa TsangVoir le profil

Vanessa Tsang

Vicky NtontouVoir le profil

Vicky Ntontou

The Little Prince Box Tandem Medal

The perfect present to share between mother and child !

This beautiful box tandem medal The Little Prince is composed by 2 medals: one medal with the Little Prince’s portrait and one openwork medal. You can assemble the two medals in order to make one and symbolise the union with your child.

Le Petit Prince coffret duo médaille de cou

Find it on the online store !