Fan Art Friday #104

On Fridays, fans of The Little Prince express their talent with Fan Art Friday!

Send us your creations via our facebook page, we’ll publish them here!


Amanda Tavares

Amanda Tavares

Antonio Uquiche Melgarejo

Antonio Uquiche Melgarejo

Beatriz Araújo

Beatriz Araújo

Bere RU Torres

Bere RU Torres

Cris Miyke

Cris Miyke

Deniz Demiray

Deniz Demiray

Gwen Bo

Gwen Bo

Loreto Delgado Prada

Loreto Delgado Prada

Abraham Zamarripa

Abraham Zamarripa

Paola Riega Dionisio

Paola Riega Dionisio

Paola Riega Dionisio2 Paola Riega Dionisio

A new Little Prince doll !



June 2015 – The Little Prince was originally produced by R. John Wright Dolls in 1983 as an exclusive limited edition collectible doll for The Toy Shoppe in the US. A second edition was introduced in the year 2000 to celebrate the one hundreth anniversary of the author’s birth.  In 2002, « The Little Prince Aviator » was introduced. Using the same model as the Centary Edition, St. Exupery’s little messenger was costumed per the original illustrations in the classic belted jumpsuit and flowing scarf. These dolls are all out of production and highly sought after.

The newest version of this beloved character – released in 2015 – is titled ‘Le Petit Prince’ and measures a diminutive 8 1/2 inches tall. Made of the finest all-wool felt, he is fully jointed with the RJW ball & socket system with internal wood mechanism. The molded felt torso and limbs are sculpturally defined and the tiny expressive hands have individually-sewn fingers. His molded felt face is delicately hand painted and the blonde wig is meticulously hand-knotted of the finest English mohair.


Le Petit Prince is outfitted in the iconic costume depicted by Saint-Exupery of a belted jumpsuit and a flowing greatcoat tailored of the finest custom-dyed all-wool felt with tiny star epaulettes. He wears a custom-made decorative pewter medallion at his throat and fine hand-cobbled leather boots. In one hand, the Le Petit Prince holds his very own custom-made sword of the finest polished pewter.

The story’s essence is contained in the lines uttered by the Fox to the Little Prince:

On ne voit bien qu’avec le cœur. L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

[« One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye. »]

A miniature version of the Fox has also been created to accompany the Le Petit Prince doll.  Standing a mere 2 ½ inches tall, the famed Desert Fox is made entirely of all-wool felt with delicate shading, embroidered features, glass eyes, and a tail made of alpaca plush. His neck is jointed to allow playful posing.

Le Petit Prince is produced in a limited edition of just 350 pieces worldwide and The Fox is made in an extremely small edition of just 250 pieces. Each comes in his own presentation box with a signed and numbered certificate of authenticity. Note: Matching edition numbers for the Le Petit Prince and The Fox are provided subject to availability.


Fan Art Friday #103

On Fridays, fans of The Little Prince express their talent with Fan Art Friday!

Send us your creations via our facebook page, we’ll publish them here!

Aline Calahani

Aline Calahani

Amandine Martin

Amandine Martin

Anna Silivonchik

Anna Silivonchik

Cris Miyke

Cris Miyke

Flavia Tothpal

Flavia Tothpal

Ianina Ain Canevarolo

Ianina Ain Canevarolo

Juan Pablo Urti

Juan Pablo Urti‎

Juan Pablo Urti‎Mojca Fo

Mojca Fo

Nkymaginarte Pasteleria Artistica

Nkymaginarte Pasteleria Artistica

Carmen Trimbitas

Carmen Trimbitas

Galletita de Jengibre

Galletita de Jengibre

A new exhibition in Portugal !

Our Licencee Bee, with our agent Biplano, organised a wonderful exhibition about the Little Prince in one of the bigger mall in Portugal.


Watch the video of the event !

A Little Prince ballet in Europe !


Find here the dates of the Little Prince Ballet tour !

 11 :   Niort
12 :  Angoulême – Espace Carat
13 :   Bordeaux – Femina
15 :  Annonay – Espace Mongolfier
19 :  Figeac – Salle de L’Europe
22 :  Biarritz – Gare du Midi
24 :  Perigueux _ Le Palio
26 :  Beziers – Zinga Zanga
31 :  Montélimar – Espace Mistral
 3 : Chalon sur Saône – Salle M.Semblat
7 :  Vals – au Centre culturel
9 :  Aurillac – Le Prisme
14 :  Tours – Le Vinci
23 :  Nantes – Cité de la Musique
24 :  Mans – Palais des congrès
26 : Remiremont
27 : Port sur Saône
1 :  Cluses – Parvis des Esserts
2 :  Genève – au Théâtre du LémanLe 3 à Belfort
4  Besançon- Micropolis
6 : Tallin
8 : Vilnius
10 : Rouen – Zénith
12 : Caen – Zénith
15 : Havre – Théâtre de l’Hotel de Ville
16 : Montauban – Eurythmie
17 : Bourges – Palais d’Auron
19 : La Rochelle – Ankan
23 , 24 : Toulouse – au Casino
25 : Lyon – Espace 3000Le 27 à Montpellier- Corum
29 : Roanne-Le scarabée
30 : Saint-Etienne – Le Palais des Congrès
Le 10 : Digne Les Bains – Le Palais des Congrès
Le 21 : Paris – Palais des Congrès
Tel : 0 892 683 622
Tel : 0 892 390 100
Picture Credit : © Boris Conte Photography

A new exhibition in Turkey right now !


The World »s biggest Le Petit Prince Book Exhibition and children activity event are opened at the shopping mall Capitol on Sunday, 20th September in Istanbul. Over 600,000 visitors are expected during the 3 weeks. This great event has been organized by our award winning licensee AG Event.

FAn Art Friday #102

On Fridays, fans of The Little Prince express their talent with Fan Art Friday!

Send us your creations via our facebook page, we’ll publish them here!

Amy Leung

Amy Leung

Ana Regia Tavares

Ana Regia Tavares

Ángeel Méndez

Ángeel Méndez

Anunya Pholchan

Anunya Pholchan

Bia Sakashita

Bia Sakashita

David Flores y Liliana Jacobo

David Flores y Liliana Jacobo



Mari Gomes

Mari Gomes

Maria Eugenia

Maria Eugenia

Mary Coletti2

Mary Coletti


milo lockett

milo lockett

Sanda Nikolic

Sanda Nikolic

Santiago Bentancourt Díaz

Santiago Bentancourt Díaz