The last issue of the Little Prince comics !

501 LE PETIT PRINCE T24[BD].indd

The Snake tired of constantly loosing against the Little Prince decides to risk it all: he goes back on B612, kidnaps the rose and brings her back on his planet. By doing so, he might lose everything… Indeed if the Little Prince comes to his den and frees the rose, he will also rescue all the gloomy-making prisonners!

Available in France on Febuary 25th.

Fan Art Friday #70

On Fridays, fans of The Little Prince express their talent with Fan Art Friday!

Send us your creations via our facebook page, we’ll publish them here!

Adrián Balaguer Ilustración

Adrián Balaguer Ilustración

Elena Bogantes

Elena Bogantes

Estrella Blanco Trigo

Estrella Blanco Trigo

Hayri Ipek

Hayri Ipek

Jessica Ting

Jessica Ting

Kinga Vărăticeanu-Nagy

Kinga Vărăticeanu-Nagy

Lindsay Morris‎

Lindsay Morris‎

mollie blackburn of molliemade design...

mollie blackburn

Narmina Tagiyeva

Narmina Tagiyeva

Tania Denise

Tania Denise

Yi-lin Liu

Yi-lin Liu

The year of the Sheep !

2015 will be all about the Little Prince. With a movie released in October and tons of new books all over the world, the Little Prince will be everywhere. Even his sheep will be celebrated ! 2015 is the year of the Sheep in the Chinese Zodiac !


Chinese New Year is an annual celebration marking the start of the year according to the Chinese lunisolar calendar. Chinese New Year always falls in the months of January or February, and each Chinese New Year is represented by 1 of the 12 creatures of the Chinese Zodiac – 2015 is the year of the Sheep. Chinese New Year is also known as the Spring Festival and in pre-modern times it would signal to farmers in China that they must begin preparation for the sowing of their fields.

fair shanghai2

Help us translating The Little Prince in LEGO !

We just reached 5000 votes for The Little Prince Official LEGO project! Now we have 102 days left to get another 5000 votes. We need to achieve 10,000 votes by April 30 in order to be considered for a real set by the LEGO Corporation. We are in 21st place out of 9994 project on the LEGO Ideas site. Please consider sharing the project with others and letting them know how easy it is to vote:! THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!!

Fan Art Friday #69

On Fridays, fans of The Little Prince express their talent with Fan Art Friday!

Send us your creations via our facebook page, we’ll publish them here!

Christina Collins

Christina Collins

Clara Bonolo Miel

Clara Bonolo Miel


Daniela Duque (spain)

Daniela Duque (spain)

Féfé Green

Féfé Green

Luiz Fernando

Luiz Fernando

Myriam Confección del Vestido




We also want to thank all the fans that sent their drawings about last week’s event… It means a lot.

Emmanuelle Robert

Emmanuelle Robert

Daniel Arzola spa

Daniel Arzola spa

Nathalie La Bastidane

Nathalie La Bastidane


The Little Prince travels to Washington

The Washington National Opera’s production of Rachel Portman’s “The Little Prince,” which opened at the Kennedy Center’s Terrace Theater on Christmas and ran for five performances, was a children’s opera indeed. An adaptation of Francesca Zambello’s original production for the 2003 world premiere in Houston, it involved an enchanting children’s chorus, wielding lanterns and paper cranes and singing lustily; as well, of course, as the protagonist, soundly sung by Henry Wager. It marked the third year of WNO’s new holiday tradition, and, because it played in a small theater, its run sold out even before it opened!

See here some pictures !

LittlePrinceKing800 LittlePrincePilot800-700x467 LittlePrinceSnake800

3 - Henry Wager as The Little Prince and Lisa Williamson as The Rose - photo Scott SuchmanPrincePilot2_800narrow

Credit: Scott Suchman

More d’infos here!

A few pictures from Beijing

During the holidays, the Little Prince visited Beijing.

A great exhibition was set. Enjoy these pictures !





