The Little Prince shop in Paris


Inside Paris : La Boutique du Petit Prince à Paris (The Little Prince Shop in Paris) :

Our team welcomes you in this unique place where you will find over 250 quality Little Prince Products !

Spoken Languages : French – English – Spanish – Portuguese

Street Address : 57 Boulevard ARAGO – 75013 PARIS

Opening hours : From Mondays to saturdays, from 10am to 9pm.

Subway : Glacière (Line 6) – Gobelins (Line 7)

Fan Art Friday #45

On Fridays, fans of The Little Prince express their talent with Fan Art Friday!

Send us your creations via our facebook page, we’ll publish them here!







Franca Privette García

Franca Privette García













Tributes to the Little Prince all over the world

The Little Prince is a timeless and universal work of art, which has moved many people.

Discover in pictures tributes to the Little Prince all over the world!


In France

mejanes - aix en provence

Bibliothèque Mejanes, Aix-en-provence


fresque des lyonnais  lyon

place bellecour




madeleine Tezenas du Montcel

Sculpture by madeleine Tezenas du Montcel in Toulouse

marnaz haute savoie

Marnaz, Haute Savoie

obernai Alsace

Obernai, Alsace

All over the world

abakan, Russie

Abakan, Russia

Ans, belgique

Ans, Belgium

baden baden

Baden-baden, Germany



concordia entre rios- Argentine

Concordia entre rios, Argentina

Punta Arenas, Patagonie

Punta Arenas, Patagonia

hollande  Istanbul, Turquie

Netherlands                                                      Istanbul, Turkey

Israel   la réunion

Israel                                                                      La réunion

kiev  skopje macedoine

Kiev, Ukraine                                                      Skopje, Macedonia

northportLos Angeles

Northport, USA                                                                           Los Angeles, USA



tarfaya maroc

Tarfaya, Morocco

Petite France, Corée Petite France, Corée2

Petite France, Korea

Yorii, Japon Musée du PP à Hakone

Yorii, Japan                                                          Little Prince museum in Hakone, Japan





The Little Prince on holidays

The Little Prince is visiting Planet Earth. It seems that it have good reputation…



à Tokyo (Marylène Le Bihan)  Gabriela Bolanos- yankee stadium

Tokyo (Marylène Le Bihan)         Gabriela Bolanos- the yankee stadium

Giannis Bletas _ greece

Giannis Bletas _ Greece

Giovanna Monteverde _ parthenon

Giovanna Monteverde _ Parthenon, Greece

Guivarc'h Jean Michel - Morgan Library New york

Guivarc’h Jean Michel – The Morgan Library, New york

Henry Chan‎ _ hong kong

Henry Chan‎ _ Hong Kong

HooiFang Kim- petite france Korea

HooiFang Kim- Petite France, Korea

Ire Coz Canas - tarifa, espagne

Ire Coz Canas – Tarifa, Spain

Istanbul Jorge Ferrer

Istanbul, Jorge Ferrer

Jeff Chen London

Jeff Chen, London

Jodie hui Tibet

Jodie hui _ Tibet

Jonathan Teoh _ Singapore

Jonathan Teoh _ Singapore

Jonathan Theo.Paris

Jonathan Theo, Paris

Jusil Conag

Jusil Conag

Lampros Poulis‎ _ greece

Lampros Poulis‎ _ Greece

Le Petit Prince à Zadar en Croatie

Zadar, Croatia

The Little Prince series exhibits at the Shanghai Animation Fair

The Shanghai Animation Fair is a very important event in the animation field, and it welcomes many families. For the first time, The Little Prince Series will be there !

Visitors are greeted by life-size sculptures of the characters. Then, they will have access to different areas of entertainment. The program includes screenings of episodes of the series, an origami workshop, mailbox to write the Little Prince, an exhibition to learn more about the work, but also corners to take pictures with the characters !

The Shanghai Animation Fair event is scheduled on 31 July to 19 August

Discover preliminary images of our stand (click to enlarge).

shanghai fair

shanghai fair 2 shanghai fair 3 shanghai fair 4 shanghai fair 5 shanghai fair 6 shanghai fair 7 shanghai fair 8

Fan Art Friday #44

On Fridays, fans of The Little Prince express their talent with Fan Art Friday!

Send us your creations via our facebook page, we’ll publish them here!

Cyn Tamez

Cyn Tamez

Drops Of Art

Drops Of Art

Eugénie Hamel

Eugénie Hamel

Gina Perez Nuñez‎

Gina Perez Nuñez‎

Laercio Zanini

Laercio Zanini

Luisa Morales

Luisa Morales

Meritxell Parejacasali  Natalia Carbullanca

Meritxell Parejacasali                                        Natalia Carbullanca

Patricia Alejandra Puentes Daza

Patricia Alejandra Puentes Daza

Sanda Nikolic

Sanda Nikolic

Sayaka Sakai

Sayaka Sakai

The family pass, a new commercial offer at the Little Prince Park

The Little Prince Park now offers the Family pass!

pass famille

The family pass is available for the families, starting from 4 people (2 adults and 2 kids). Each people added on the family pass will cost you 20€.

The pass-holder is registered, so don’t forget to bring an ID card that will be asked at the entrance of the Park.

The pass validity is limited to one season. So your access to the park will end on Januray 4 2015.

Order your family pass now !