A Little Prince exhibition in Istanbul

The Little Prince celebrates his 71st birthday, at the AMV Zorlu Center in Istanbul!

The event began on 10 May and will end on May 31 . Families are already rushing to attend various workshops.Parents can enjoy the exhibition of a large collection of The Little Prince copies, including rare languages ​​. 120 books from Asia , Africa, Europe and South America , including  mini- books and special editions will be displayed . Visitors also have the opportunity to see the first Turkish copy, and learn more about its translation. All these gems come from the collection of Yildiray Lise, a private collector who wants to own the book in all its variations, and have the wish to open a museum of the Little Prince in Ankara.
For his 70th anniversary, the Little Prince had already visited Turkey ! He settled in the capital for a few days of exhibitions and conferences. But this year, in Istanbul, children are the center of attention. After listening to a reading of The Little Prince, they can color their heroes, or draw their favorite part of the book. Then they take to pose next to their hero. Each participant receives a postcard and a pin of the event .
Do not hesitate and go see the Little Prince during his visit to Istanbul !


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Thank you to Yildiray Lise and A&G Event Company !

The Little Prince and the planet of Coppelius, the new comic book !

The american publisher Lerner announced the release of the new Little Prince comic book, The Planet of Coppelius !


In this new adventure of the Little Prince, our hero encounters people full of colors who despairs at the stubbornness of their leader …

On the solarians’planet, the sun is so dazzling that people lose their color and eventually all look alike. To remedy this, the king of color, Coppelius, regularly orgnize a Grand Coloring Ceremony. The solarians are waiting impatiently, eager to find their identities. But this time, Coppelius seems absorbed by an other project …  Little Prince and Fox travel to the land of darkness and encounter strange creatures that will help them understand the secret of colors.

Find the latest Little Prince comic book here and all the collection on the Lerner website.


The Pilot and the Little Prince: The Life of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


Peter Sís is a worldwide known author and illustrator. He has created a beautiful album about Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s life.

« When I was about 12 or 13, my father gave me The Little Prince. He was making sure that I knew it was a special book. I’d seen the name of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, but to me it seemed a very French name and I was not excited about him as a person. I just read the book, and it was a life-changing experience, because I was in this little country, which was sort of closed and dark, and all of a sudden there was this book which was telling me how wonderful life can be or will be…. » Peter Sis for Publisher Weekly



At the turn of the last century, was born a boy with blond hair , who would become a great adventurer …
In this time of great discoveries , we dreamed new inventions. While we were witnessing the beginnings of Aviation , Antoine already built , at the age of twelve years old, his own flying machine … And even if it did not work, it did not discourage !
Abounding in this album that caters to both children and adults , Peter Sis tells the story of this little boy who wants to realize his dream of flying. We follow , step by step , his first steps in Aeropostale, being a mechanic engineer before becoming a pilot , and we discover his unusual life . From meetings and trips that have build him, to the Second World War during which he disappeared , the magnificent and captivating boards by Peter Sis immerse ourselves completely in the life of this great aviator, who loved to read and write as he flew …

Peter SIS librairie flammarion

Peter Sis , painter, illustrator, writer and filmmaker , grew in Prague where he studied at the Arts Academy. After studying at the Royal College of Art of London, he moved to the United States. He lives in New York with his wife and their two children.
His albums have received numerous awards , such as the Andersen Prize for all of his work at the Bologna Book Fair 2012, Le Prix des Sorcières for Madlenka, the Montreuil Book Fair award for The Three Golden Keys of Prague, the Grand Prix of Bologna ( category nonfiction ) for The Tree of Life , Charles Darwin, and The Wall,my childhood behind the Iron Curtain, has received the prestigious Caldecott medal in the United States .
Peter Sis has also created a monumental Aubusson tapestry in honor of the Irish poet and Nobel Prize winner Seamus Heaney , to answer a demand of U2, Paul Simon and Amnesty International , which adorns the Dublin Airport since April.

Aubusson tapestry


Fan Art Friday #34

Today, it’s Fan Art Friday again!

This time, fans are creating works of art with their families.

Lee Eai Luan

Lee Eai Luan

Lee Eai Luan(s daughter

 Lee Eai Luan’s daughter 😉

Joyce Garcia

Joyce Garcia

Pallo Proietti

Paolo Proietti

Amira Yasmin

Amira Yasmin

Nubia Amaro

Nubia Amaro

Vladimir Marcos Merchensky Arias

Vladimir Marcos Merchensky Arias

Igor T. Sun

Igor T. Sun



Lorena Ruiz

Lorena Ruiz

Andrée Lhernault

Andrée Lhernault

Joan Lartigau

Joan Lartigau

A new contest with our partner Décominus


concours paristic defVA
To participate in this contest, answer the following question:Which character draw a sheep for the Little Prince

– The Astronaut

– The Doctor

– The Aviator

Send us your answers at jeuxconcours@lepetitprince.com before May 29. Winners will be drawn at random from the correct answers.

Good luck!


Visit the Official Little Prince Store !


The Little Prince Store in Paris has over 300 diffèrent Products on shelves ! 

We are open from Mondays to Saturdays, from 10am to 9pm ! 

The Little Prince Store in Paris

57 Boulevard Arago

75013 Paris

Creating bonds at Hospital Pequeno Principe


On 25 October 2012, the Hospital O Pequeno Principe from Curitiba, Brazil, organized « Goals for Life », a dinner to the launch the 70th anniversary of the Little Prince. While this period of festivities is coming to an end, the children of the O Pequeno Principe hospital will expose their drawings in the UN headquarter !

The exhibition will take place from May 19 to 26 at the UN headquarters in New York.

More information about Hospital Pequeno Príncipe http://pequenoprincipe.org.br/hospital/

and the 70th anniversary of the Little Prince: http://www.creerdesliens.com/

The Foundation Antoine de Saint-Exupéry for youth and its partner IWC are proud to annonce the creation of a new library for the Hospital.