Clickat !

The Little Prince was chosen to embody an educational program on Radio Catalonia.

On this occasion, all the radio website has been redesigned and restyled in honor of our hero! We hope this new website will please children and their parents!


Find the site here!

The Little Prince by Athénée Royal’s children

In early 2010, Kevin Stillen , educator at the Athénée Royal d’Arlon, had a funny idea for his students embark on a new adventure : make an audio book The Little Prince !

Courageous initiative , since the full transcript of the book never happened . Generous initiative also : profits will be donated to the association  » Televie  » in Belgium , which funds research against leukemia .

We return with him on the steps of this beautiful project.

« For years ,  » The Little Prince « have been my favorite book , I often read it to the students that I have under my responsibility, in internship ( 6-10 years). I decided to buy the audio read by Gérard Philippe. When I realized it was incomplete , I felt that the children had lost an important part of the story. So I started to dream to achieve the complete story with students I accompanied with homework (12-14 years) . But we weren’t going to do that   » for nothing ». Making money was not an option. Given the potential popularity of this product , I thought donate the profits to a cause for the children, the Televie operation that is organized by the Belgian TV channel RTL -TVI and fight against leukemia, the first deadly childhood cancer .


What was the first step to complete this project?

The first thing was to ask permission to implement the project with the Department of internship and the school to which it is attached. Then I took contact with Gallimard to obtain information relevant to the project . I got in touch with a specialist who is related with the Antoine de Saint Exupéry heirs. That’s when , a few months later, I got the green light, and I launched the project!

Things then became more concrete ! How did you direct the students?

Students participating in the project were all enrolled in the boarding school . I worked with them in the evening study at boarding school . It is therefore logical that I suggested the idea. To chose the characters, each of the participants made ​ a reading test , and depending on the ease or not to read, we determined the set of roles .

For the narrator , the students asked me to handle it. Indeed, it is an adult and I think it reassured the students that I can occasionally set the tone , even if it is not easy .

We went to Brussel, and had more than eight hours of footage . This was complicated, especially for Leo who did the voice of the Little Prince and had to stay present throughout the recording.

But it is a great experience , being in a professional studio for such a project . For students and for me it ‘s a great pride.

What benefits do they have withdrawn from this experience?

The students learned a lot. They discoverd the book, to start , which is a great wealth. During playback, they learned to identify with different characters, questioned , tried to understand, the pictures proposed by Antoine de Saint- Exupéry.

Then they learned to read properly , they have to get into the skin of the character they embodied and take possession of their parts. It was sometimes very amusing. Then , with the experience in the recording studio, they were able to realize the difficulty of a real recording studio.

And you ?

Personally, I was impressed to see what young people of a dozen years were able to do for others. They knew that the money would go to charity, but they immediately said yes to the project. Once again , I realized that we can have confidence in these young people, who will be the adults of tomorrow. I was also very proud to work with motivated teenagers . It made me work my patience because multiple readings of the book became some very long night. In the studio, I loved working with my voice . This is one of the most rewarding professional experience I have experienced to date. « 

The CD produced by students is currently for sale and available at the Athénée Royal d’Arlon . You can also find it at merchants in the region. Finally, the boarding team accepts Internet orders : internat.ara @

About Televie

Télévie is an association / campaign conducted annually by the Belgian TV channel RTL- TVI. It takes place throughout Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (in partnership with RTL Luxembourg). Its purpose is to raise funds to fight against leukemia and cancer.

For several weeks , various objects are sold to benefit the Televie . In addition, throughout Belgium , many activities are organized ( Rally , meals , parties, hiking … ) .

End of April , the chain holds great closing ceremony broadcast live and Belgians can fulfill their pledges.

More info here .

At present , the project has not reported profits Televie . We count on you to exceed the threshold of 360 CDs, and help research against leukemia .

Learn more here .

Listen the Little Prince in 139 languages!

Can you recognize a language? Try your luck at oral Quizzes Quizzes or written
or browse alphabetical list by family of languages ​​or by card or by date.


139 languages
153 sound clips

…and counting…


Fan Art Friday #28

Every week we receive a lot of images from our fans ! But today is a premiere, the first time we receive a painting inspired by the comic book by Sfar :

Christophe Giordani Artiste2

Christophe Giordani Artiste

Christophe Giordani

But, as usual, we had the best of your imagination and creativity !

André Sleiman

André Sleiman



Priscila Cortez

Priscila Cortez

Vivi Grandchester

Vivi Grandchester

Arthur Gabrielyan

Arthur Gabrielyan

Ania Rutkowska

Ania Rutkowska

Fernando Gómez Mancha

Fernando Gómez Mancha

Gerardo Aragon

Gerardo Aragon

MeRy An

MeRy An

Monse Henriquez Fuentes

Monse Henriquez Fuentes

More readers in Cambodia thanks to SIPAR and the Saint-Exupéry Foundation

SIPAR, the Antoine de Saint Exupéry foundation  and IWC Schaffhausen support access to books for all children in Siem Reap, Cambodia. A new library and a new bibliobus have recently been launched by SIPAR with the help and support of both partners. The great-nephew of the famous writer, Mr. Olivier d’Agay had made ​​the trip especially for the occasion. More information on the activities of SIPAR.


Ngeth Thunsereibandith SIPAR cambodge

Ngeth Thunsereibandith SIPAR cambodge2

Ngeth Thunsereibandith SIPAR cambodge3

Meet the Little Prince Licensing in Kazachok !

kaza 2

The Little Prince is a worldwide phenomenon with 400 Million readers, 150 Million books sold and 280 official translation (World Record).

For the past 25 years, we’ve been selling quality licensed products all over the world.

Today, we have 150 licensees all over the world and thousands of quality products !

Famous and global brands such as Sofitel, Moleskine and IWC have been working with us for many years now.

Gross income is 100M€ a year on the Little Prince Licensing !

If you’re interested into producing the next generation of products, if you’re in charge of business development in a big company and even if you’re a local craftman, please contact us : Thomas Rivière – Brand & Licence Manager :

IWC Celebrates The Little Prince’s Finest Hour

IWC Schaffhausen celebrates the 70th birthday of the highly popular novella « The Little Prince » with the launch of two limited special editions: the Big Pilot’s Watch Perpetual Calendar Edition « Le Petit Prince » and the Pilot’s Watch Mark XVII Edition « Le Petit Prince ». With these, the Swiss watch manufacturer pays tribute to one of the best-selling books in literary history, written by legendary writer, pilot and adventurer Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Since 2006, the Schaffhausen luxury watch manufacturer has maintained a cordial partnership with Saint-Exupéry’s heirs and their charitable organization, the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Youth Foundation.

Fan Art Friday #27

Sebastian Vega Garcia

Sebastian Vega Garcia

Karen Camacho

Karen Camacho

Christal Castagné

Christal Castagné

Joanna Ouerfelli Frania

Joanna Ouerfelli Frania

Miguel Angel Hernan Ramiro

Miguel Angel Hernan Ramiro

Luciana Faina - kimono

Luciana Faina

Miguel Pinto

Miguel Pinto

Missy Passoni

Missy Passoni

Rodrigo Carreño Ramirez

Rodrigo Carreño Ramirez