The Little Prince’s day !


Once again, New York celebrates the Little Prince!

While the exhibition « The Little Prince, a New York story » continues at the Morgan Library, the Little Prince is the theme of a major diplomatic action for education, health and  environment protection.

Jointly organized by the United Nations, the International Organization of Francophonie, and the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Estate, as part of the Francophonie Month, a cultural diplomacy initiative.

With representatives of the diplomatic community and of the world of culture, literature and science, the event intends to explore specific issues related to education and multilingualism, health and humanitarian action, and the future of our planet. It will highlight the bonds that many actors and professionals have developed with the Little Prince, and examine the universal values that the book promotes.

The Little Prince at The New York Public Library, Friday 28 March, 2014.

Opening – 10:00 to 10:30
Alban Cerisier –  » The Little Prince: The publishing phenomenon , translations and intergenerational transmission.  »

Panel 1 – Education & multilingualism – 10:30 to 12:00
With the participation of: Maher Nasser – Director, Division of Public Awareness , Department of Information, United Nations – Vibeke Jensen – Director of the Liaison Office of UNESCO in New York – The global initiative for education foremost – UN – Filippe Savadogo – Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the United Nations OIF – and stakeholders on the role of bilingual schools in New York.

Lunch – 12:00 to 2:00 p.m.

Panel 2 – The Health & Humanitarian Action – 2:00 p.m. to 3:10 p.m.
With the participation of José Alvaro Carneiro da Silva – Director General of the Pequeno Principe Hospital – Curitiba – Brazil – Leila Zerrougui – Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict – Djibril Diallo – Senior Advisor to the Executive Director of UNAIDS – Ety Cristina Carneiro Forte – Executive Director Pequeno Principe Hospital – Curitiba – Brazil.

Awards – 3:10 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Awards of the contest about the French Heritage Language Program
Writing contest on human rights , children’s rights and Le Petit Prince.

Panel 3 – The Earth & the cosmos – 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Featuring : Ramu Damodaran – Deputy Director, Division of Public Awareness , Department of Information, United Nations – Yamina Djacta – Director of the Liaison Office of UN- Habitat in New York – Trinh Xuan Thuan – Astrophysicist , Professor astronomy at the University of Virginia – United States.



A Lego Little Prince ? With your help, it’s possible !

Help us translate « The Little Prince » into… LEGOs!

We need 10 000 clicks to make this dream come true ! You can help us, click on support » on this page : It’s easy and free!

Colin Patrick Walle

We need 10 000 clicks to made this dream come true ! It’s really easy (and free) to help us : (click on Support), and share the info !

The Little Prince is the most translated novel in the world, but it has never officially been « published » in LEGO form before. We are calling on all fans of the little prince to vote (click « Support ») for this project at Please vote and let your friends know about the project too!

The LEGO Corporation has a website called LEGO Cuusoo where fans can submit proposals and, if they receive 10,000 votes, then the company will consider making them into a real LEGO set. Photos of The Little Prince LEGO project have received at least 20,000 « likes » on Facebook already, but we need your help to turn those « likes » into votes.

Voting involves first registering on the LEGO Cuusoo website. Registering through Facebook or Twitter is the easiest method – simply click on that option and agree to the standard language about allowing Cuusoo to access your page. Make sure you click “Support” to vote for the project.

Instructions for voting through the website:

– Click “Sign up now”
– Next, enter a username, email, and password. For your birthdate, month is first and then date, followed by year. Agree to the “terms of service” and click “SIGN ME UP”
– Click the link in the email you receive to activate your account.
– Click on the project (search for “The Little Prince”); then click the green “Support” button.
– To validate the vote, another screen appears—enter your country, your gender, and your profession. Check the box that says “To Support the project…” and then click “Support”.
– Finally, complete a short survey about how much you think the set should cost, how many products you would be interested in having, and why you like the project.

More information:

– How old do I have to be to vote?
Voters must be at least 13 years old to vote.

– Will I get spammed? Will LEGO Cuusoo post on my Facebook?
No. You will not receive any unwanted messages or posts from LEGO by registering.

– « How can I help promote the project? »
Share the project on your Facebook page, Twitter, or other social media.
Tell you friends, or email them the link to this page.
Print and post this page at libraries, schools, coffee shops, (in accordance with their policies).

– What does « Cuusoo » mean?
Cuusoo is a Japanese word that roughly translates into « to wish ».

– If the project gets 10,000 votes, what happens next?
The LEGO Corporation will evaluate the concept and decide whether to make a set based on it. Other project (including those based on the movies “Back to the Future” and “Ghostbusters”, and the video game Minecraft) have been adopted. If approved, LEGO will have their professional designers work to make a set based on the proposal; what you see in the project may not be exactly what LEGO produces.

– Why a LEGO version of The Little Prince?
Hopefully the answer is obvious! We believe that the story of the little prince, who appreciates imagination, would make a perfect combination with LEGO toys, which have imagination as a primary attribute.

– Who designed this project?
The concept was developed by Colin Patrick Walle, a fan of The Little Prince and LEGOs.

Solar Impulse 2.0

On April 9, the whole Solar Impulse team will unveil the new version of the solar plane!

After years of design, complex simulations and test flights with the first prototype, Solar Impulse 2 will be presented to our partners, friends and media before undertaking, in 2015, the ultimate technological and symbolic adventure of flying around the world without fuel, only powered by the sun. Discover the airplane through a live online Google field trip, ask your questions to the Pilots and team… and join the adventure!

You can follow the event live on:

New : the Little Prince key-ring

The new keyring Petit Prince by Les Etains de Virginie is available!


These pieces of art require close work. First, the object is drawn to scale. Then, it is sculpted. Every little detail counts! Once the « master » is completed, Virginie creates a mold. All keychains are molded and cast one by one. So, these are unique works! Some pictures of the manufacturing process can be seen on the Virginie’s blog.

This beautiful keychain is 100% handmade. « The Little Prince and the Fox » comes in a jewel box with a certificate of authenticity.

Find it on the Little Prince’s shop !

Virginie, a young Belgian designer already created a Little prince key-ring a few months ago. According to her, this character embodies her values :  passion, true love for creation, a luxury item that everybody can afford.



Waiting for the grand opening…

Here are some pictures of the attractions.

You can’t wait ? We neither !

Aerobar of Drinker

Aerobar du Buveur

This air bar is 35 meters above the ground, for a breathtaking experience! Enjoy both your drink and a 360 ° view of the landscape of the Vosges.

King’s ballon

Ballon du Roi

One of two captive balloons, culminating at 150 meters! Do not panic, it is securely fastened to the ground.

The opening of the park will take place in July.

More information here or on the official Facebook page of the Park of the Petit Prince.

Fan Art Friday #25

Many thanks for all your messages !

Here are the creations you send to us this week. Keep participate to Fan Art Friday by posting your work of art on the official Facebook page !


Andrea Ortiz Sosa

Andrea Ortiz Sosa

Diana Rubio

Diana Rubio

Jennifer Nikol

Jennifer Nikol

Justine Ingouf

Justine Ingouf

Léa KaramLéa Karam

  Lilas blue2

Lilas Blue

  Rabia Kausar

Rabia Kausar

Romain Maciejewski

 Chrisanthi Markogiannaki2Chrisanthi Markogiannaki

  Val Santos

Val Santos

Yoshikazu Terasawa

Yoshikazu Terasawa

Cie Serpent Volant

Cie Serpent Volant

kari ok

Kari OK

Stephanie Schuster

Stephanie Schuster

The Little Prince park on Facebook !

Even if we have to wait for this summer to be able to walk in this park dedicated to our favorite hero, it is already possible to follow its news on Facebook!

All the episodes of this great adventure are told by the founders.

What wait before the grand opening in July …



More info here.

New comics books to come in the USA

The new Little Prince comics books have been announced !

It will be the 17th and 18th issues of the new adventures of the Little Prince. You can find all the Little Prince books by Lerner here.

The Little Prince and the Planet of the Bubble Gob.


When the Little Prince reaches this planet, the whole ocean is covered with items discarded by the Creatall. This causes the water level to rise daily, threatening the Creatall’s fragile homes. The Little Prince realises that the problem is the Bubble Gob, an underwater mechanical creature, supposed to destroy the rubbish and clean the ocean. However, this amazing invention is faulty and is growing ever bigger. It has grown so big that its slightest movement causes the ocean level to rise dangerously.

The Little Prince and the Planet of Time.


When the Little Prince sets foot on this planet, it is all out of synch. In one village, time has stopped, in another, on the contrary, it has sped up. In short, time is awry. Little Prince’s investigation leads him to the Great Timekeeper, who has devoted his whole life to setting the planet’s clocks. But as he grew older, he had trouble dealing with the idea that soon, he would have to retire and let someone else do his job. So he decided to use his position to travel back in time and to turn into a « baby », free of responsibility. Except that his journey into the past has had dire side effects: all the planet’s clocks have gone haywire


Carnival !

On the occasion of the carnival, many of you have sent us your disguises the Little Prince.

Here are some pictures!

1. La Zumba Boûs, d’Elodie Donckier, à Jalhay.2. Les mécanos du garage d’Isidore, à Jalhay.3. Symbole des Bœufs, l’Irish Beef…4. Jalhay, dis-moi tout de ton Sioux…5. Ali Baba, version Ingrid Lemaître à Herbiester.6. Coxy Fou, ou la coccinelle qui ramène le printemps.7. Les bûcherons qui boiront toujours à Herbiester.8. Les Diables rouges, couleur de  Herbiester.9. Le Petit Prince, derrière l’avion et le renard.
Roxane Godefroid
