NEW : Little Prince’s cards

The new cards are available at the Little Prince shop in Paris !

The 46 cards are adorned with the wonderful quotes and pictures of the Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

Here they are, just for you.


cartes postales KIUB

The series CDs

The German editor Edel released two new CDs of the music from the series.

The better way to recreate the atmosphere from the serie !



Find these horspiel here.

Making of the Art Toy

Bill Otomo created the Designer Toy of the Petit Prince de St-Exupéry, with Muttpop, and it was sculpted by Monster 5  (Tequila, El Panda, Red Demon, Mini Gobi, King Katch…).

See the step by step here !

First, a few sketches :

We add the details, create a turn-around, and send it to the sculptor.

First impression of the rough sculpture:  Monster 5 really felt it on the firts try. It’s really great to work with him…

A little changes though, but it’s already details.

He corrects it, polishs it, and it’s almost done !

Still little changes and we should be good to go…

Here is the final figure !

We made ​​a double wax molds and raw version of vinyl without exterior paint …

A firt try with painting…

And here is the final toy !


Find Bill Otomo’s blog here , and the art toy here !

Fan Art Friday #20

It’s already the 20th Fan Art Friday! And you’re still very inspired…

Here are the works of art we received this week.








Daniela Sanín

Daniela Sanín









decco gama

decco gama

École Moda Consciente.

École Moda Consciente.

esther jimenez

Esther jimenez

Handicraft Art

Handicraft Art


The Little Prince on ice

The ice skating olympic competition starts today in Sochi !

We already told you about the program of French skaters Nathalie Pechalat and Fabian Bourzat.

Their program, rich in color and poetry, is a tribute to the story by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and explores the relationship between the Little Prince and his Rose. The masterpiece by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has been chosen as olympic program by the French team, to the Sotchi Games in February 2014.

This theme brought them good luck : it is through this free program they have already won the Cup of China with a score 102.08 and 165.68 in total.

We wish them the very best for the Winter Games in Sochi in 2014!

To follow all the news of the athletes, visit their new website.

The Little Prince on the cover of India Today !

No, this time it is not a photo of the Little Prince on a trip to India that we offer to admire, but the cover of India Today magazine.INDIA_TODAY

The weekly magazine with 15 million readers focuses on the election of members of the Indian Congress. Rahul Gandhi, grand-son of the famous politician, was a candidate.

The newspaper chose to illustrate this relationship by taking the theme of the Little Prince! If the Little Prince of India does not really looks like the little blond that we know, we still appreciate that tribute!

Do you know the TV series’ website ?

After the success of the TV series and the opening of an exhibit at the Musée Grévin waxworks museum, it was high time the Little Prince series had its own dedicated website. Take a look at to find the Little Prince and the fox on their space planes flying from planet to planet. Each planet has its own theme on one, you’ll meet the characters from the series, on another you can download wallpapers, while children can have fun in a games area straight out of the Little Prince’s world. All sorts of surprises await, so sign up now on the official Little Prince series website!

New books for the little italians readers

Bompiani, the publisher of the Little Prince’s new adventures in Italy, announce the release of new titles.

The album and the novel of the planet of Coppelius

couv pantorius ital   couv carta roman ital

The inhabitants of planet Coppelius chronically loose all colour and they all turn white. But once a year, Coppelius colour everyone up during the colourwashing ceremony so that everyone keeps his/her own distinctive complexion. But as the Little Prince sets foot on the planet, Coppelius spends all his time on his “great project”and seems to neglect the preparation of the colourwashing ceremony.

The album and the novel of the planet of the Okidians

okrilia ital   couv oki roman ital

On this planet, the Wizard-King Okono has a key role: he gathers everyone’s energy to make a protective dome against Siffreo the comet. Every ten revolutions Siffreo threatens to crash into the Okidians’ Planet. As the little Prince sets foot on the planet: panick, Okono is gone! Hee left her people with no protection against Siffreo. Or could it be a lie, made up by Okidi his wife?!

The album and the novel of the planet of Ashkabaar

couv ahkabaar ital    couv ashk roman ital

When the Little Prince sets foot on this planet, the two people living on the planet (the pink and the red) are separated by a huge wall. Each one living in fear of the other. Both leaders -Rakash the Red and Ashkabaar the Pink- say they are negotiating with the other to bring the wall down.
The Little Prince helped by Shaaz (a pink girl in love with a red) finds out that the two leaders are one and the same person: Ashkabaar who ruled on both side, divided his people to stay in power.

Jueves de Interpretacion #2

Henrique Jorge

Henrique Jorge

Hugo Gomez

Hugo Gomez



Javier Dibujador.

Javier Dibujador.

Julieta Vitali.

Julieta Vitali.

Karen Ortiiz

Karen Ortiiz

Memé Candia.

Memé Candia.

Paula Maneyro.

Paula Maneyro.

Paula Monteagudo.

Paula Monteagudo.

Sam Red.

Sam Red.

Samanta Niz.

Samanta Niz.

Susy's Garcia.

Susy’s Garcia.

White Rabbit ilustraciones

White Rabbit ilustraciones

See these pictures and many more on Jueves de Interpretacion !