The Little Prince’s showroom in Paris

The store carries over 250 Little Prince Quality products, books, rare edition and also toys, fluffy friends, mugs, T-Shirts, Watches and many many more.

There are over 100 Little Prince products maker all over the world, 10 000 different products and only one store in Paris.

The Little Prince is the most translated book in the World (270 official Translation). Over 150 million copies have been sold worldwide since 1943.

The Little Prince Store in Paris – La Boutique du Petit Prince in Paris

Open Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm and from 2pm to 6pm

57 Boulevard Arago 75013 Paris

Metro Glacière (6) and Gobelins (7)

The Solar Impulse and FASE-J Foundation’s contest !

Lately, you may have seen these strange pictures :


Necip Baykara2+badge


Necip Baykara1+badge

Len Feliciano - philippines + badge

This time Little Prince & the fox were exploring the Australia's outback...

Of course, you recognised your favorite Little Prince, but you may have noticed the Solar Impulse Foundation logo.

Actually, it’s a badge. Designed by Solar Impulse and the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Youth Foundation, the proceeds from the sale of this exclusive badge will finance our educational activities.

As you know, the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Youth Foundation and The Solar Impulse Foundation are joining in a partnership, in order to help the young, all over the world, to achieve great projects. (See more here).

To celebrate this new partnerships, let’s set up a big international contest ! 

Participate on our Facebook Page, and answer this question : What do you do for your planet ?  Send us pictures or vidéos of your eco-friendly actions, and win this collector badge ! The winners will be randomly selected. This contest will end on November the 10th.

If you want to be part of this dream, you can also help us by getting this badge.
Purchase this collector’s item today and help sponsor our Foundations!

“As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Visuel Petit Prince-Google+

Fan Art Friday #09

Fan Art Friday comes back, with all your interpretetations of the Little Prince. Indeed, if the little boy is one of a kind, he can be found in an infinity of forms in our hearts.



He makes us wonder with our inner child eyes.

Carina Venturim Art - fan art

Carina Venturim Art

Simon Balona

Simon Balona

Rafael Valle Barradas


He reminds us the true meaning of friendship.

Anna Traskalik

Anna Traskalik

From Mariana Amaral (Portugal)

Mariana Amaral

And raises new questions every time we read his story.

silence corp

Silence corp

Daniel Andrés Gallego

Daniel Andrés Gallego

He can be seen in all kind of forms.

Litsa Foto

Litsa Foto


He reminds us of our friends and relatives, those people who tamed us.

Gill Key


Gill Key

He celebrates innocence and happiness.

Virginie Vertonghen des Etains de Virginie

Virginie Vertonghen des Etains de Virginie


Tiffany Pang

Tiffany Pang

Maja Jakovic

Maka Jakovic

Helder Pinto Paixao

Helder Pinto Paixao

He never abandoned his responsibilities and keeps inspiring us.

Lampros Poulis

Lampros Poulis

He reminds us that all this dedication led to a creation, an emotion.

Juan Ardila from Colombia...

Juan Ardila

Rykeil Borromeo-philippines

Rykeil Borromeo



A Little Prince play in Fayetteville, USA

« The Little Prince » is well known as a favorite of children worldwide. But Cape Fear Regional Theatre Artistic Director Tom Quaintance said its appeal is not limited to the young set.

The theater is presenting a stage version of the Antoine de Saint-Exupéry book as the opening play of its 2013-14 season. Productions of the musical continue through Oct. 6.

« While I hope parents and grandparents bring their kids to this show, I also hope people just come, » Quaintance said. « It is not just for kids at all. »

« I have a deep, deep fondness for this story, » Quaintance said. « It’s a great story and a great play. »

Seven actors play 20 different characters in the play.


The staff :

Emily S. Grosland stars as the Little Prince.Steve Minow performs as the Aviator. Andrew Wheeler plays the fox and geographer in the play. Jae Powell plays the Rose.

Quaintance said the play should be a visual feast, with evocative sets and costumes. A lift is being constructed for the show. But the sets and costumes are in service of a story with more to offer than may first appear.

« The lessons in this story, » Quaintance said, « they’re both very simple and very deep. »

Where: Cape Fear Regional Theatre, 1209 Hay St.

When: Through Oct. 6 with performances Wednesday through Sunday. Show times are 7:30 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday. A 2 p.m. « family day » performance is Oct. 5, where guests can meet characters from the show after the play.

Tickets: $12 for tonight’s preview and Thursday’s « community night » show. Family day tickets are $10 and $12. Other shows are $20 and $25.

Information: 323-4233 or

The Little Prince and the Planet of the Wind available in Finnish

eoliens wsoy


The Finnish publisher WSOY is about to release a new book of the Little Prince’s new adventures : The Planet of the wind !

Wsoy already published 3 other books last year : Planet of Time, Planet of Firebird and Planet of Music.

In this new story the Little Prince meets the Eolians, whose one and only source of energy is wind. The wind serves – amongst other things – to warm up the planet, which is perpetually threatened by frost. The problem is that lately, the wind has weakened. The Little Prince will find out that this is due to a conflict between the great Wind Wizard and his son Zephir. Zephir diverts the wind to play his huge Wind-organ, bypassing instructions of his father. And at the same time putting an end to his farther’s dream of his son becoming his successor.

For more information about this book, click here (in Finnish).

A fan’s project to create a Little Prince themed Lego

Last week, for Fan Art Friday, we received a message from Colin Patrick Walle, asking us to publish his Little Prince lego creation. The picture had a great success, but there is more !

He told us that it’s possible to vote on Lego Cuusoo to make the LEGO Little Prince a reality:

This is a site where Lego accepts suggestions for future sets (they take these ideas as concepts and have their professional designers make their own version).

“I have always loved The Little Prince and also enjoy Legos, so thought this would make a good project. Please consider supporting this project. And – THANK YOU for all the nice comments and « Likes »!

So, take a visit and see Colin’s awesome creation !



The Little Prince in Kazakhstan



The book was translated from French to Kazakh in 2004. It was published in a very small amount and was mostly distributed among French teachers in Almaty.
This year the book was re-published and is now available in bookstores. The French Alliance in Almaty presented it last week, in a great event !

affiche kazak


In August, the alliance also launched an art contest for kids « The World of the Little Prince ». The results were announced  at the presentation of the book. There were so many good works and paintings, that the alliance have decided to use them as a part of the design for their calendar next year !





Fan Art Friday #08

Today, it’s Fan Art Friday !

We want to thank all the fans fo sending their creations, as beautiful and unique as always.

If you want to participate, send us your picture on Facebook (The Little Prince official).


If the Little Prince keep inspiring you, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was not forgotten…

Em Nareak

Em Nareak

Dennis Bacalhau - fan art

Dennis Bacalhau

Parisa Ghafoori-fan art

Parisa Ghafoori

Grettel Pablo - Fan art

Grettel Pablo

Žirafa Nurko

Žirafa Nurko

Louis David Orlando Heerasing

Louis David Orlando Heerasing

Paula Lievano Berges -fan art2

Hiram Alonso López-fan art

Hiram Alonso López

The Little Prince is born on paper. But, in your creations, he escapes it to reach all the materials… The imagination has no limits !

Anthony Avangard-fan art

Anthony Avangard

Ana Sofìa


Anabela Patrícia-2

Anabela Patrícia

Elena Hatzeli-fanart

Elena Hatzeli

Marylene le Bihan patchwork

Marylène Le Bihan

徐嫈嫈-fan art friday


Sungchul Park

Sungchul Park

Colin Patrick Walle-fanart friday

Colin Patrick Walle

See you next Friday !

The work behind a comics’ cover…

You already knew that the Little Prince has its own series, produced by the French studio Method Animation.  From these episodes were made several comics.

Here, i show you the Bubble Gob comic book.

Now, you can see the different stage of the cover, from the early beginning (graphic researchs) to the finished product.

Enjoy !




couv bubble gob

The Little Prince’s comics #11 and #12 available in Czech Republic

The Czech publisher Mlada Fronta has released 2 new comics.


#11 Planet of the Libris

What’s happening on the Planet of Libris? Books have started flying away and disappearing! Who would want to prevent citizens from reading? The Little Prince investigates and discovers a story of romance and jealousy.


# 12 Planet of Ludokaa

On this planet, two kingdoms are fighting over who gets to watch the sunset. One day, instead of fighting, they decide to play a game called Ludokaa. But the night before the big competition, the two communities are on the point of another battle.


Hope you will enjoy these !