Summer on stage for the Little Prince…
This summer, the Little Prince is making his mark on stage. Throughout the summer, theatres have been giving us an opportunity to get in touch with our inner child.
Drama courses directed by Marie Pistekova are being held in Rennes this summer. Children from all over the world come to take part in the classes run by the Czech director. The courses are designed for children, teenagers and adults, and culminate in a stage production of one form or another: improvisations or adaptations of the Little Prince. Take your pick! « I’m the Little Prince,” proudly declared Brittany-Anne, 9 years old, from Texas.
While the children have fun in Rennes, far away in Nouméa theatre company Les Incompréhensibles are also staging their version of the famous story. This time, however, the masked actors are using puppets to act out the highlights of the tale. « We hope that adults will realise that the most important thing is to spend time on real human relationships,” says Jean-Paul Smadja, a member of the company.
The Théâtre du Damier, meanwhile, is spending this summer touring Normandy, presenting a musical comedy based on the Little Prince, directed by Clarisse Burnand and Arielle Bailleux. More information available on the official website.
So, are you ready for a journey back into childhood?